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Rainbow Unicorn Bang Review: Sweet mix of watermelon and bubblegum

rainbow unicorn bang review

One of the biggest supplements releases we’ve seen here at Stack3d in the past few months is VPX Sports’ creative new Rainbow Unicorn Bang Energy drink. The product was incredibly well teased, hyped, and launched, and was even available for pre-order before the name of the flavor was revealed.

With so much excitement around the drink, we decided to pick up a few cans from our local supplement retailer. We were also very curious about what the Rainbow Unicorn Bang would taste like, as the name obviously doesn’t point you in any specific direction regarding taste.

rainbow unicorn bang review


The flavor of VPX Sports’ Rainbow Unicorn Bang is actually a lot more enjoyable than we expected. The taste is difficult to put an exact name on it, but overall it is a very sweet recipe. For us, it feels like a combination of watermelon and bubblegum that seem to play incredibly well together.

When you take your first sip, it’s hard to pick the experience apart as it delivers a dominating sweetness right from the start. As you drink it down and that initial hit fades, it then becomes a little easier to dissect the flavor and describe some of the tastes in the drink.

rainbow unicorn bang review


While we didn’t really know what we were in for with the Rainbow Unicorn Bang, we’ve come out pleasantly surprised. The brightly colored energy drink has turned out to be an equally bright flavor experience that we have to say is quite different from the many other Bang options available.

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